
132kV Portion Successfully Energized at Existing Ghala GS

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On Thursday (08.11.2018) we have successfully energized 132kV Portion at Existing Ghala GS, which includes:

  • 125MVA Transformer –  03 & EAT-03 and associated LVAC at 9.50 AM
  • 125MVA Transformer –  04 & EAT-04 and associated LVAC at 10.10 AM

The project scope is Adding 3rd and 4th Transformer – 132/33kV 125MVA – 2 Nos., 2 Numbers 500kVA EAT and 24 numbers 33kV GIS bays and 2 Nos 20 MVAR Capacitor banks, 132kV Cables and accessories and associated Control panels.

During the time of energization, Client OETC operation team Appreciated Monenco team’s effective execution, supervision and excellent management during the  execution and commissioning phase of the project.

I would like to appreciate our Monenco team Oman/Iran teams of the project for their extended support for this achievement.


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